Thursday 21 December 2006

The spirit of Christmas

This year I am focusing of the real meaning of Christmas. You know before it became commercialised. I am going back to before it was all about money and marketing. Back before it was hijacked by Christianity and even back to before it was a pagan ritual. I'm going all the way back to when it was just another day of the year. No lead up celebrations, no movie marathons, no cheesy TV specials, no annoying holiday music, no over eating, no fake kindness, no being nice only once a year, no fat men in big red suits, no plum pudding....oh wait a minute. I think Christmas should get rid of everything but the desserts. I can do with out trees being tarted up, I can do without the presents, I can do without the Maria Carey Christmas album and I can do without the thought of freaky little elves crawling around the north pole. So in all I have nothing to say on the matter. HAPPY STAND UP BIG DAY!!!!

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